Papparrazzi snapping photos!
Gift Bag Goodies and Swag!
Star bag that goes home with a note and an All About Me sheet.
Students bring it back filled with an example of their talent,
a letter from a family member, favorite book, show and shares, and pictures!
The Red Carpet!
OOPS!! Forgot to take a picture..........again!
The red carpet is a red bath mat the star of the week gets to sit on for the week!
They even take it to specials!
Finally figured out how to turn
pdfs into jpegs so I can include this idea!
Students write a letter to our star of the
week and I bind them into a "magazine"
for the star to keep!
I created the template in powerpoint and then
I just go back weekly and change the picture,
(sending it backwards so the words are on top)
and change the date and name.
I also laminate the cover and a plain back.