It's almost here!!
Are you ready?!
Are you ready?!
Words can't tell you how much
I LOVE this Sub Tub from
Ashley at Just Reed!
Three whole days already planned out!
One for the beginning of the year,
middle of the year, and end!
Bonus: It features DOGS!
Here is my sub tub...
already prepped and ready to go!
The contents of the baggie are
not included in her sub tub,
It's a classroom management
activity I made for the sub to use!
Click here to see it!
I didn't have one of the books
recommended for her tub last
year, so I made this activity.
Get it free here!
Since we're talking sub plans,
and if you missed my earlier post,
I have this FUN activity!
Have this full day sub packet
ready to go for a day you know
you will be gone...but don't tell
the students!
Freebie management activity!
Include it with my Missing Teacher
Investigation for the sub to use,
or use it yourself!
This is the newest packet from
A Year of Many First!
I bought it before the sale!
I couldn't wait! I LOVE her stuff
and believe I own most of it...
and what I don't, is on my wishlist!
It will work perfectly with Daily Five!
I can not...repeat...can not, wait to use it!
I can not...repeat...can not, wait to use it!
Click the picture to check it out!
My next must have is the awesome
Quick Writes and Quick Math from
First Grade Fun Times!
She has the Quick Writes bundled
for the entire year!
I used both last year and what a difference
in student writing and a wonderful way
to review math skills!
I hope you find many amazing deals
during this sale! Have fun shopping!
Thanks for stopping by!

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